Choosing your massage therapist

Choosing a massage therapist is like choosing any other health care professional. You want someone who is credible and who has a high level of knowledge and competency. A fully qualified massage therapist should have completed an Accredited Massage Therapy Course, and be registered with an Australian Professional Association such as ATMS. An accredited massage therapy course not only teaches the different massage techniques, but also gives the massage therapist a sound knowledge of anatomy and physiology. In addition, your massage therapist should have completed a first aid course and have liability insurance, thus offering additional layers of protection to his clients.

Furthermore, it is a requirement that to remain registered, the therapist should have continuing education in the field of traditional medicine. A qualified massage therapist is able to apply a broad number of techniques to treat conditions affecting the mind and body, and is a practitioner who has good communication and ethical business skills. Some of the types of massage offered by a professional massage therapist are remedial massagearomatherapy massagesports massagehot stone massage, back massage, relaxation massage, scalp massage, trigger point therapy and many others.

If you are about to choose a mobile massage therapist, keep in mind a good therapist will ask questions about your health and medical history before you get started and also listen to a client about what parts of his or her body are hurting and then work specifically in the session to ameliorate that condition or conditions. A licensed massage therapist should also be able to clearly communicate about his or her techniques, what they are and what effect they have on the body.

They may ask a few more times how the pressure is during the massage. This is an important part of a massage session, because the aim of a professional massage therapist is to maximise the benefits you will receive from your treatment. Hence, it is essential to look for a licensed massage therapist for getting massages. You will receive far more benefits from a massage done by a registered massage therapist. Professional massage improves the flow of oxygen to the blood and makes you feel refreshed. The massage done by a qualified therapist relieves many types of muscle tightness providing more flexibility. It also reduces certain ailments like migraine, bowel problems, back pain, arthritis and circulatory problems.

It is important to remember that only a registered massage therapist can offer such health benefits. An untrained masseuse is not able to provide health benefits; neither can administer first aid or offer insurance in case of an injury. Furthermore, irregular massage may cause complications like skin bruising, swelling, fractures and nerve damages. This is because an unqualified therapist will more likely use an inappropriate massage type that can lead to potential injuries.

With all the above said, please also keep in mind a massage therapist is not a replacement for your regular health care physician.

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