Massage Therapy and Your Health

Massage therapy is a practice that dates back thousands of years as a physical non-chemical medicine, used as a primary or secondary method of treatment for dysfunction, and to promote wellness in a healthy individual. Hippocrates detailed how a physician could give a therapeutic massage to help a patient’s overall health. Thousands years later we all know he was correct, because today massage therapists are in high demand and there is a great need for this type of therapy.

Everyone has more or less experienced the benefits of massage therapy in our everyday life. Have you ever felt the discomfort of a pulled muscle or strained back? Did you ever rub the sore spot to get relief from the pain? By rubbing your muscle you probably relaxed, feeling a great sense of relief. Massage therapists use this exact same technique to decrease muscle aches, strains, and injury. Therapists relieve tension in the muscles by applying pressure to them. The applied pressure in combination with special massage techniques decreases the amount of pain and muscle soreness from the injured area. This is done by manipulating the soft tissue muscles of the body in order to improve circulation and remove waste products from the muscles.

People use massage therapy for a variety of health-related purposes, from treating specific diseases and conditions to general wellness. Massage is used to treat a wide range of conditions, such as: Insomnia, Muscular tension, Frozen shoulder, Headaches and migraines, Repetitive strain injury, Arthritis, Spondylitis, Fibrositis, Depression, Work related pains, Sports and dancing injuries.

Hospitals, physical therapy offices and spas, all use the services of a massage therapist. Professional athletes receive massage sessions almost daily and even more so when they are recovering from an injury or physical strain. Massage therapists have been practicing their profession for a very long time and are now recognized for the vital services they provide by the medical profession.

Massage therapy appears to have very few serious risks if it is used appropriately and provided by a trained massage professional. Whether you are male or female, at some point in your life you will probably need the services of a massage therapy practitioner to help relieve muscular pain. Don’t just hope that someone will step by and offer you a body massage. You will be doing yourself a big favour by scheduling an appointment with a mobile massage therapist. After a great massage it is guaranteed you will feel brand new, rejuvenated and energised!

Massage therapy is not recommended for certain people:
Now that you know the key benefits of a great massage, it is important to learn when a massage is not a suitable. Massage therapy is not recommended to people with an infectious skin disease, rash or open wounds, or immediately after chemotherapy or radiation, unless recommended by your doctor. In addition, massage should not be done directly over bruises, inflamed skin, tumours, abdominal hernia, or areas of recent fractures. If you have heart disease, check with your doctor before having a treatment, because there is a risk of blood clots being dislodged. Pregnant women, especially in the first three months of pregnancy, should check with their doctor first.

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