Beauty Facials & What to Expect

Face Massage
Anyone who has had one will tell you how relaxing a facial can be – not the mention the amazing skin benefits you’ll see. But if you’ve never had one before it can be difficult to know what to expect at your treatment. We’ve put together this easy guide for you so you’ll know exactly what’s going on.

Before you make your booking
Make sure you know exactly what you want your facial to achieve. Do you want it to target that breakout on your chin? The fine lines around your eyes? Or the general texture and clarity of your skin? If you mention your concerns at the time of booking you will help your therapist understand a great deal about your skin and apply the face care most suitable for your concerns.

Facials generally start with a consultation where you will be asked about your specific areas of concern. If your therapist doesn’t know what you’re worried about then they can’t tailor a treatment for you so don’t be afraid to speak up.

There are a couple of things you should always let your therapist know before your treatment. Let them know if you have any skin allergies – no matter how obscure you think they are. You should also let on if you are, or think you may be, pregnant because some products may not to suitable for you. And, during the treatment, if you feel uncomfortable at any time make sure you speak up.

What’s involved
Depending on the type of treatment you have, a facial can last anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. This is determined by the treatment you choose, your skin concerns and also the type of facial suitable for your skin type. Generally a facial involves a skin cleanse, exfoliation and mask followed by a moisturiser. Our facials also involve additional features such as an incredibly relaxing scalp massage as well as our specialised face massage which stimulates blood flow, promotes glow and vitality of your skin and aids the absorption of the moisturiser for maximum benefits. This is all determined by the length and the type of treatment you choose. Ask your therapist, if you’re unsure if any of these ‘extras’ will be incorporated into your treatment.

Once all of that is out of the way all that’s left for you to do is lie back and enjoy your treatment. Don’t be afraid to drift off to sleep – that’s the ultimate compliment for a therapist because it means they’ve made you feel relaxed!

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